
December 1st 1987 former British police officer, Philip Spencer, set off across Ilkley Moor, Yorkshire, to visit his father-in-law.
As he walked past an area known as White Well, movement in a nearby quarry caught his attention. As he looked he saw a 'small green creature' not more that 10 feet away. Philip always carried his camera with him to photograph the moors, and as he raised his camera to snap up his strange friend the creature made a disapproving gesture with his right arm. Philip managed to take one photograph before the creature disappeared into the quarry.

Philip followed the creature into the quarry only to see a silver saucer-shaped object hovering in the quarry. The object then took off vertically at great speed and disappeared.

When Philip noticed his watch he realised that over 2 hours had passed for an incident that felt like minutes. He then got his photos developed in one of those 1 hour photo shops. Although the picture was very blurred and out-of-focus it showed the creature,therefore restoring his faith that he had not gone barking mad.

The picture was shown not to of been tampered with after it was examined by Kodak.

Philip then decided the best course of action to try and remember the missing 2 hours, was to get hypnotically regressed. During the session these following words were spokenby Philip:
"I'm walking along the moor. Oh! It's quite windy. There's a lot of clouds. Walking up towards the trees, I see this little something, can't tell, but he's green. It's moving towards me. Oh! I can't move. I'm stuck. He's still coming towards me. And I still can't move....I'm stuck, and everything's gone fuzzy. I'm ....I'm floating along in the air....I want to get down! And this green thing's walking ahead of me, and I don'tlike it.
I still can't move. I'm going around the corner and this green thing's in front of me. Oh, God, I want to get down. There's a ....there's a big silver saucer thing, and there's a door in it,and I don't want to go in there! Everything's gone black now..."

Philip also remembered being show an ecological film warning him of what the earth is doing to itself, as well as a form of medical examination.

UK Sightings